Privacy Policy
Bloom Creative Productions (“Bloom”) Privacy Policy discloses how Bloom collects, protects, uses and shares information provided to or collected by it, including personal information and sensitive information. Bloom is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”).
What kind of personal information does Bloom collect and how is it collected?
Bloom collects and holds personal information, which may include sensitive information, about:
Students, before, during and after the duration of a student's enrolment;
Participants in StageEx, MegaDance, Bloom Creative Workshop Series or any other workshop;
Job applicants, employees, volunteers and contractors; and
Other people who come into contact with Bloom (e.g. members of the public who purchase tickets to Bloom productions; donors and Friends of Bloom)
The type of personal information Bloom collects will depend on the individual's interaction with Bloom. Bloom will not collect sensitive information about you unless you have consented to the collection or if Bloom is otherwise required or authorised to do so by or under law (including the Privacy Act and State and Territory health privacy legislation).
"Sensitive information" includes health information and information relating to a person's racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion, trade union or other professional or trade association membership, sexual preference or criminal record.
If Bloom is not able to collect your personal information, Bloom may not be able to provide its products or services to you or do business with you or the organization with which you are connected.
The personal information you provide:
Bloom will generally collect personal information held about an individual by way of forms filled out by individuals or parents/guardians of younger participants and through face to face meetings, telephone calls, email, and facsimile.
Personal information provided by other people:
In some circumstances, Bloom may be provided with information about an individual from a third party, for example, a report provided by a medical professional or a reference supporting a job applicant.
How will Bloom use and disclose the personal information you provide?
Bloom may use personal information it collects from you for the primary purpose of that collection and any other purposes explained at the time of collection or outlined in this Policy. Bloom may use your personal information for such other secondary purposes that are related to the primary purpose of collection (and directly related, in the case of sensitive information) and reasonably expected, or to which you have consented (expressly or impliedly). Bloom may also use your personal information for other purposes required or authorised by or under the law (including the Privacy Act).
Bloom may disclose your personal information to third parties for these purposes, marketing, and communications agencies, direct mail houses and printers. Otherwise, Bloom will not disclose your personal information to third parties unless you have consented to that disclosure (for example, at the time you provided us with your personal information) or the disclosure is otherwise required or authorised by or under the law (including the Privacy Act).
Under no circumstances will Bloom sell or receive payment for licensing or disclosing your personal information.
How might Bloom contact you?
Bloom may contact you in a variety of ways, including by post, email, SMS, telephone call or facsimile. Bloom will not send you commercial electronic messages such as SMS or emails unless this is permitted by the Spam Act 2003 (Cth) (for example, if Bloom has your express or inferred consent to do so). Similarly, Bloom will not call you on a number listed on the Do Not Call Register unless this is permitted under the Commonwealth Do Not Call Register Act 2006 and related instruments (for example, if Bloom has your express or inferred consent to do so).
For Students, Participants, and Clients:
​The purposes for which Bloom uses personal information of students, participants and clients include:
Looking after students' educational needs and wellbeing
To keep students, participants and clients informed of developments, activities, etc through newsletters and other publications
Day to day administration
Seeking donations and marketing for Bloom
To satisfy legal obligations and allow Bloom to discharge its duty of care
For research, analysis and planning purposes
In some cases where Bloom requests personal information about a student, participant or client, if the information requested is not obtained, Bloom may not be able to enroll or continue the enrolment of a student.
For Job applicants, employees and contractors:
In relation to personal information of job applicants, employees and contractors, Bloom’s primary purpose of collection is to assess and (if successful) to engage the applicant, employee or contractor, as the case may be.
The purposes for which Bloom uses personal information of job applicants, employees and contractors include:
In administering the individual's employment or contract, as the case may be
For insurance purposes
Seeking funds and marketing for Bloom
To satisfy Bloom’s legal obligations, for example in relation to child protection legislation
For Volunteers:
Bloom also obtains personal information about volunteers, who assist Bloom in its functions or conduct associated activities, to enable Bloom and the volunteers to work together.
Marketing and fundraising:
Bloom treats marketing and seeking donations for the future growth and development of Bloom as an important part of ensuring that Bloom continues to meet its objectives and to grow and develop.
Students, employees, contractors and other members of the community may from time to time receive fundraising information. Bloom publications, such as promotional booklets, newsletters and flyers, which include personal information, may be used for marketing purposes.
You can let us know at any time if you no longer wish to receive any of these communications by contacting the Laura@bloomcreativeproductions.com
From time to time Bloom surveys its students, participants and clients on a range of issues, including their experiences and interest in Bloom course offerings. These surveys help Bloom to improve its products and services. You can let us know at any time if you do not wish to participate in these surveys by contacting Laura@bloomcreativeproductions.com
Sending information overseas:
There may be circumstances where Bloom discloses personal information to an overseas recipient including:
Bloom may need to provide an incoming theatre director with the contact details of students with whom they will be working or provide an overseas recipient with information relating to a student's overseas placement.
Bloom will not send information about an individual outside Australia without complying with the requirements of the Australian Privacy Principles.
Bloom does not attempt to match de-identified or anonymous data collected through surveys or such online devices as "cookies", with information identifying an individual, without the consent of the relevant individual.
Google tracking:
This site is using Display Advertising to enable Google Analytics Demographics and Interest reporting. This feature collects demographic and interest information such as, but not limited to, age, gender and interest categories; to develop products and offers better targeted to our customers. You can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising in https://www.google.com/settings/ads
Data security and quality of information
Management and security of personal information
Employees and contractors are required to respect the confidentiality of students', participants' and clients' personal information and the privacy of individuals.
Bloom has in place reasonable steps to protect the personal information Bloom holds from misuse, interference and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure by use of various methods including locked storage of paper records and passworded access rights to computerised records.
Updating personal information
Bloom endeavors to ensure that the personal information it holds is accurate, complete and up-to-date. A person may seek to correct their personal information held by Bloom by contacting the laura@bloomcreativeproductions.com
The Australian Privacy Principles require that personal information not be stored longer than necessary and Bloom will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information if it is no longer needed.
Under the Privacy Act, an individual has the right to obtain access to any personal information which Bloom holds about them. There are some exceptions to this right set out in the Privacy Act.
To request access to any information Bloom holds about you please contact Laura@bloomcreativeproductions.com. You may be required to verify your identity and specify what information you require. Bloom may charge a fee to cover the cost of verifying your application and locating, retrieving, reviewing and copying any material requested. If the information sought is extensive, Bloom will advise the cost in advance.
Where it is lawful and practicable to do so, students, participants, and clients may undertake business with Bloom without providing personal information. For example, tickets to Bloom productions may be purchased in cash at the box office.
Please contact jordan@bloomcreativeproductions.com if you have any concerns or complaints about the manner in which Bloom has collected or handled your personal information. Bloom will inquire into your complaint and respond to you in writing within 30 days.
If you are not satisfied with Bloom's response, you can contact us to discuss your concerns or lodge a complaint with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (contact details below).
Changes to this Privacy Policy
We may, from time to time, review, amend and update this Privacy Policy and associated procedures. When this occurs, we will post details of this update on our website. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy so you are aware of our latest practices with respect to Personal Information.
Hard copies of this Privacy Policy are available upon request to the jordan@bloomcreativeproductions.com.
Further information
For further information about your personal information, privacy issues and the protection of privacy please contact:
Bloom Creative Productions
Telephone: 0418 652 271
Email: laura@bloomcreativeproductions.com
Address: PO BOX 799 Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768
Website: www.bloomcreativeproductions.com
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)
Telephone: 1300 363 992
Facsimile: 02 9284 9666
Email: enquiries@oaic.gov.au
GPO Box 5218
Website: www.privacy.gov.au